Monday 11 July 2011

CD Artwork

Some pieces of artwork done for a series of customisable Nursery Rhyme CDs, minus the titles and credits and wotnot.

Some kiddie character designs

A few sketches of random character designs. Love the immediacy of Painter and digital workflow in general - most of my sketches these days are done straight into a piece of software, so I guess this blog is like flipping through a dog-eared sketchbook!

Monday 22 February 2010

Random artwork

Thought it was about darn time I uploaded some more artwork, so here goes! The 'Psychic Guy' was done in Painter, as was the 'Judaism' image (trying some 'oils' there). The bloke with a coat of beards was drawn in Flash, and the bottom image was a combination of drawing in Painter and finishing touches done in Photoshop.

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Mr Isaac

Had a bit of trouble with the eyes, but got there in the end! Scratchboard tool, digital watercolour (on Italian watercolour paper) and some pencil and oil pastels.

Funny Asimov quote: "People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do."

Friday 7 August 2009

House pt. 3

I've started adding some colour to the Hugh Laurie illo, but I think before I go too far with this I'll clean up the line art a bit more first. So that should be the next post!

Thursday 16 July 2009

That's better!

Differential: what causes vague, uncertainty of the chin and jaw area when drawing a caricature of Gregory House, aka Hugh Laurie?

Rubbish, small pictures which had to be scaled up and lost all their detail!

Treat it with a larger, better picture of House/Laurie for the vagueness, and a better pose for a better drawing.

Wednesday 15 July 2009

Greg House

I decided to start a caricature of Hugh Laurie aka Gregory House MD! I'll work on this a little every morning until I'm satisfied, which I'm not at the moment. Some elements look like they'll work okay, some I'm not happy with yet (particularly his chin/jaw area - needs to definitely be more 'House-like'!).

More progress in the next post!