Friday, 25 January 2008

Digestive System Gag

I love doing these kind of doodles on a Friday afternoon. Most start out life in my sketchbook which I carry around with me, and anything I think particularly interesting/funny ends up here.

I'm not sure why having half a colon would make you feel nauseous, but it can't help, right?

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Porsche Caricature

I was asked by a friend of my brother's to do a caricature for his sister-in-law and her boyfriend for Valentine's Day. I've done quite a few of these things before (check out my website!), and my usual procedure is to draw the line art with pencil and paper, scan that in and then colour it in Photoshop.

This is the first time that I did everything straight into Painter, and I gotta be honest - the results are better than before! About the only thing I did in Photoshop was the final tonal adjustments and I added a couple of lens flares to the car's headlights. Bish bosh! Done.

And I know you can't see the subject photographs, but you'll just have to trust me that the caricatures are rather good.

I used an actual reference photograph of the car, and squished it to make it look cartoony. Then I cloned and auto-painted it using Oil Pastels, then pasted this clone into my final artwork and started working on it with more oil pastels (but with no clone this time). The result is a pretty darned accurate-looking car that hopefully looks drawn, too!

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

New Year Fitness Resolution

I was worried that the gym I go to in my lunch hour (I typed 'munch' hour first, but I suppose that's what it is too) would be overrun with keen fitness boffins come January - they didn't materialize, though. Anyway, I still came up with this gag!

Not sure why I coloured it in these pale blues and pinks - it reminds me of toothpaste or something. I like the crispness of black and white cartoons, but I also like some sort of toning or colouring of some sort - will experiment with this kind of thing more!

Thursday, 10 January 2008

Mind the Step

More gags as promised! I was trying to come up with some cartoons that would work in Welsh as well as English - whether that be because there's no dialogue or text, or whether it's because any text would be easily translatable. This gag falls into the latter category, so I have a version which reads 'Cymerwch ofal o'r step'. The goal is to send these out to local Welsh mags and papers and see what the feedback is!

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Haircut Gag

Happy 2008! I'm making it my goal this year to really work on some cartoon strips and gags. My style tends to gravitates around certain similar themes depending on the subject matter or type of gag, but I'm always looking to nail some sort of style that I'm happy with that suits the kind of things I come up with that's a bit more consistent.

Anyway! After much doodling (and pouring over cartoons on the interweb) I came up with something like the above, and I'm quite pleased with it, I must say.

More rubbish gags and strips to follow!