Friday, 7 August 2009

House pt. 3

I've started adding some colour to the Hugh Laurie illo, but I think before I go too far with this I'll clean up the line art a bit more first. So that should be the next post!

Thursday, 16 July 2009

That's better!

Differential: what causes vague, uncertainty of the chin and jaw area when drawing a caricature of Gregory House, aka Hugh Laurie?

Rubbish, small pictures which had to be scaled up and lost all their detail!

Treat it with a larger, better picture of House/Laurie for the vagueness, and a better pose for a better drawing.

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Greg House

I decided to start a caricature of Hugh Laurie aka Gregory House MD! I'll work on this a little every morning until I'm satisfied, which I'm not at the moment. Some elements look like they'll work okay, some I'm not happy with yet (particularly his chin/jaw area - needs to definitely be more 'House-like'!).

More progress in the next post!

Monday, 6 July 2009

Noir 2 dee too

So I tried something with this morning's sketch. I loaded a 'medium round dots' paper texture which I got from a 'Painter X Wow!' book CD, and chalked in the grey dots to get some nice shading effects!

The cool thing is I can change the darkness/colour of the chalk I use to get different shades, whilst keeping the same size dots - makes it look a little different.

Friday, 3 July 2009

Old Me

So inspired by this post, I sketched myself as a possible old person as a 'cool down' sketch of a Friday!

NY Bar

A chalk 'clone' (though hand painted) of a black and white photo taken by my friend and recent best man Gareth Coles, of a bar in Noo Yoik.
Quick sketch this morning using mostly the Bamboo pen tool and digital watercolour.

Wednesday, 24 June 2009


Quick sketch done this mornin' using the scratchboard tool - I thought I'd try using 'Bristol Board' paper from the 'Painter X Wow!' book CD to see if it makes any difference from using plain ol' basic paper, and I think it does - maybe - still, looks authentically ink on paper-like! (The shading is just a sponge.)

Friday, 19 June 2009

Drag n' Drop

Horror Comic progress

I've been working up the rough for the comic cover - it's definitely getting there now that I've added colour to it, but I think I need to perhaps go back to the rough and clean it up properly, as I've just been 'adding' to it up 'til now. Either that or I might start on new cover idea - we'll see!

I roughed out the pose with 2B pencils, and have been adding colour using acrylics captured bristle in Painter X, though with the halftone effect being a bit too big, you can't really tell - and I liked the look of the brush strokes, so will have to experiment with that!

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Butch Hairdresser

Quick sketch I had to do for a 'Top Trumps' type game, where one side of the card would just be a close up of the character's face, flip it over and you see the rest of the figure/the props too - the idea being that it fights your assumption about what kind of person you're looking at, what their job might be, etc based on their appearance alone.

It was fun!


Ok, so I felt like I was doodling comic art when I should be doing something else in my art class in school when I did this, but it was fun, dammit!

All sorts of pens were in use here: scratchboard tool, sponges, bamboo pens - and I couldn't resist adding a fake halftone pattern to it in Photoshop when I was done.

Only thing about warming up with drawings like this is it makes me want to do it all day instead of what I should be doing... kinda like being in art class in school..!

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Old Geezer

Quick sketch of an old man's face. Seems like he should almost be a vulcan, so maybe I'll add pointy ears and tweak his eyebrows a bit next time!

Friday, 12 June 2009

Shark Tub

I had this random image of a shark's fin sticking out of a paddling pool/tub in my head yesterday, so viola! This morning's warm up sketch!

It's three layers, scratchboard tool ink pen on top, watercolour underneath, then I sampled the watercolour layer colours and sketched underneath that with coloured pencils - looks pretty much like what I had in mind!

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Charcoal Guitarist

Ah, reminds me of my days watching 'Take Hart', the kids art show on tv back in the 80s, when I was a young 'un! Tony Hart always seemed to be doing these awesome sketches with pastel, chalk or charcoal on coloured paper - I'm still trying to get close to how good I remember those drawings were now!

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Does a bear..?

I stumbled upon this great blog and thought doing a 'warm up' sketch each day was a great way to get the juices flowing before you begin any major illustration work!

The idea will be to use bold strokes as much as possible, and not worry too much about what I'm actually drawing - then post them on this site, no matter what - NO MATTER WHAT, I tells ya

Tuesday, 9 June 2009


Quick sketch, using ink and watercolour (well, the 'Scratchboard Tool' and 'Broad Water Brush' in Painter!)